What does the Diocesan education team do?
Statutory inspection of Anglican and Methodist schools (SIAMS)
- support with developing a distinctively Christian vision
- training and support prior to SIAMS inspections for staff and governors
- a SIAMS support visit midway between inspections
- reviewing SIAMS SEFs
- pupil perception interviews on RE /Collective Worship /Christian distinctiveness to inform planning.
For more information, please see our SIAMS Inspections page | Weblink
Sustaining a church school ethos
- annual service of celebration of church schools at the cathedral in Bury St Edmunds
- supporting work between the school and the parish church
- helping the school to articulate and embed their Christian vision
- creating and brokering link opportunities across the diocese
- supporting the spiritual development of pupils.
RE and Collective Worship (CW), Spirituality and Courageous Advocacy
- supporting a network of RE subject leaders
- termly courses on RE and collective worship for heads, SLTs and governors
- training and resources on RE, Collective Worship and distinctive Christian values
- induction of Early Careers Teachers (ECTs) and NESTT trainees in RE and CW
- in-depth support for RE and CW elements of SIAMS
- strategies for strengthening SMSC / British values
- developing links with local clergy and faith communities
- support for the implementation of the Emmanuel Project for RE (EYFS to Y6), including the maintenance of a FaceBook page with children’s work and padlets for teacher and subject leader support
- Knowledge Organisers for RE and assessment resources
For more information, please see our:
Religious education pages | Weblink
Collective Worship pages | Weblink
Admissions (VA Schools)
- advice on admissions policies
- attendance at admission appeals and advice on writing the statement required
- termly Admissions Forums
- admissions advice on any ongoing admissions issues/ queries
For more information, please see our Admissions page | Weblink
- managing DFC on behalf of aided schools
- researching school site ownership
- support at academy conversion
- assistance in dealing with changes in property interests, site acquisitions/disposals, licences and leases
- support with annual academies land and buildings collection tool
- liaison with site trustees over proposed capital works and school site trusts
- support towards net zero carbon emissions by 2030 and environmental sustainability.
For more information, please see our School Buildings page | Weblink
Leader well-being/resilience
- wellbeing support including an annual resilience day for church school senior leaders
- wellbeing events for governors and administrative staff
- one to one meetings with Headteachers to support wellbeing
Leadership and management
- termly Headteacher forums to share information and ideas
- aided school meetings for Headteachers and Chairs of Governors
- attending headship shortlisting meetings and interviews and providing advice to governors
- support with succession planning
- “Leading a church school” training for aspiring Headteachers and those new to church schools
- mentoring and coaching new Headteachers
- handling the appointment and resignation of foundation governors
- governor training including on effective governance, monitoring and assessment
- termly Chairs of Governors’ forum
- supporting partnerships between schools
- general management advice to Headteachers on school improvement, staffing and wellbeing
- support in working effectively with parents
- annual church school leaders’ conference (6 November 2024)
- supporting the Suffolk Learning Improvement Network through Sue Todd’s membership of the Programme Board.
For further information, please see our:
Foundation Governors page | Weblink
Training and Events page | Weblink
Small schools
- a Small Schools Forum for Headteachers and governors, meeting termly
- advice on sustainability for small schools.
School effectiveness
- training on Ofsted for Headteachers and governors
- attendance at Ofsted feedback sessions where possible
- classroom observations and work scrutiny, learning walks
- advice on school improvement strategies
- work with individual teachers to improve their quality of teaching
- advice on Self Evaluation
- brokering school to school support
- action planning and School Improvement Planning
- pupil perception interviews to inform strategic planning.
For more information, please see our:
Ofsted page | Weblink
Academisation and federation
- information and advice for those schools which are considering academisation and federation.
For more information, please see our:
Becoming an Academy | Weblink
Diocesan Multi Academy Trust | Weblink
- newsletters twice a term for information
- opportunity through newsletter to share good news and high profile stories
- RE and Collective Worship newsletters.
Or visit our Diocesan website | Weblink