Photo above by Shamsul Alam
If and when someone asks you, “Why are you a Christian?” or “Why do you go to church?” how would you answer?
Some of us may struggle. Some of us may have a prepared script in our heads. Some of us may be somewhere in between. Some of us may do everything we possibly can to avoid such questions for all sorts of reasons. Yet we are all called to be witnesses of our faith.
We’re not all Evangelists, but wouldn’t it be fantastic if we could all have a quick, relevant, snappy answer! An answer that could sum up our hope and yet not look as if we’re ‘preaching’ or risking compromising a good friendship.
Because we are all, every one of us, called to take the opportunity to be witnesses of the Gospel when the chance comes, as 1 Peter 3:15 reminds us,
“Always be prepared to give an answer to everyone who asks you to give the reason for the hope that you have. But do this with gentleness and respect.”
Here are three thoughts in response.
1) Try a 'Faith Pictures' course
Faith Pictures is a short course that will enable each of us to have that quick, relevant, snappy answer. These six sessions help you identify an image that embodies something of your own faith story and what God means to you.
Could God be like the Duracell bunny for example – not because of the outside appearance but “because of the power within”?
Each session has a short video to help you think and discuss, and you may be surprised to find out whose Faith Picture this is! The sessions are easy to follow, interactive, engaging and fun. They focus on you and your story, and can be run at home, in church, or wherever is most comfortable. The course works across all church traditions and helps through encouragement and recognising God in each of us. Download here:
Faith Pictures downloadable course | Weblink
2) Just invite them
Don’t be afraid if they don’t take you up on the offer, but never be afraid to invite. And we have lots of platforms now to invite people to, whether in person or online, to traditional or new forms of church, or to an Alpha or other explorers course. Your answer could simply be, “Come and see.” If it’s good enough for Jesus (see John 1:38-39) then it’s good enough for us.
We can help you build your confidence in this way too, or advise on ways to engage. So get in touch for a chat or advice on resources.
Visit our 'Be invitational' page for more ideas and resources to help churches be a welcoming presence.
Be invitational | Weblink
More about Alpha | Weblink
2) Sharing your faith in a small group
Sometimes it is easier to share your faith while in a small group rather than as an individual. The Lightwave website has a number of resources to help small groups share their faith. Please visit their website here.
4) Become a Licensed Evangelist
If you think sharing your faith is easy, then become a Licensed Evangelist. This role will recognise your calling and you can also help others build their confidence.
If you would like to find out more visit our 'Explore your Ministry' pages:
Licensed Evangelist | Weblink
Photos above by Harrison Haines and Brad Neathey