Vacancy in See 2024

A discernment process is underway to find the next Bishop of St Edmundsbury and Ipswich. The process is being overseen by the Vacancy in See Committee.

  • The Vacancy in See Committee is a statutory committee which has a permanent existence but only meets during a vacancy in see, i.e. when there is a vacancy in the diocesan bishopric.
  • See is from the Latin term for 'seat' and historically refers to the bishop’s throne, i.e. centre of authority and jurisdiction.

Prayer for a New Bishop of St Edmundsbury

Heavenly Father,
send us a bishop
grounded in your love,
a shepherd after your own heart,
a follower of your Way
and a teacher of your Word.
Through the wisdom and direction
of your Holy Spirit
enable us so to recognise them;
that we appoint
not the one we think we want,
but the one you are calling.
Through your Son,
our Saviour, Jesus Christ,

The Vacancy in See Committee is in the process of producing a Statement of Needs, which outlines the strengths of the Diocese, the challenges facing it and the qualities the committee believes the new bishop will need. 

Vacancy in See - Public Meeting by Zoom
Wednesday 17 July, 7.00pm to 9.00pm via Zoom.

The public meeting will be chaired by Bishop Mike. The Appointment Secretaries of both the Prime Minister and the Archbishop of Canterbury will be present to provide a short introduction, outline the process and give details of the appointment timetable. This will be followed by a period of listening, during which attendees are invited to comment on the needs of the Diocese and the characteristics and qualities needed in the next Bishop.
This is a great opportunity to be part of the discernment process.  The meeting is open to all, please share this link with others in the diocese and encourage them to get involved. To register HERE.


Six people from the Vacancy in See Committee will be elected to sit on the Crown Nominations Commission. This is the Commission which shortlists and interviews prospective candidates. It is made up of 14 members - 6 elected from the Diocese, 6 General Synod members and both Archbishops.

Vacancy in See Committee members:

  • Bishop Mike
  • Dean Joe
  • Archdeacon David Jenkins and Archdeacon Rhiannon King
  • Gary Peverley, Diocesan Secretary
  • Chair of House of Clergy: The Revd Canon Sharon Potter
  • Chair of House of Laity: Tony Allwood
  • General Synod Reps: The Revd Canon Andrew Dotchin, Archdeacon Sally Gaze, Jeanette Appleton, Andrew Gray
  • Clergy Reps: The Revd Matt Key, The Revd Tom Mumford
  • Laity Reps: Paul Clarke, David Lamming
  • Elected members: The Revd Al Metcalfe, Mary Hare, Calum Harris, Gavin Stone, David Walters
  • Bishop's Council Nominees: Scarlett Blacker, Emma Knight, Emma Morris and Laura Mumford

This page will continue to be updated as soon as more information is available.



Page last updated: Friday 5th July 2024 9:49 AM
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